Agricultural Statistics

Department of Agricultural Statistics


Prof. Deb Sankar Gupta, M.Sc (Ag), Ph.D E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: +919434685759 Dr. Deb Sankar Gupta


The Department of Agricultural Statistics has been established as a separate and independent Department in Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya since the inception of the Viswavidyalaya on 1st February,2001 with a view to giving agricultural–cum– horticultural–cum–social science students and the future researchers of our University a statistical background so that they can correctly choose and apply themselves independently the most appropriate statistical technique to setting up their own research programmes and the subsequent analysis as well as drawing valid inferences of the research data to be accrued there-from in future in a much more meaningfully and pertinently correct way.


  • Teaching
  • Research and
  • Extension


  • Under Graduated
  • Post Graduated
  • Doctor in Philosophy

Degree offered in Post Graduate studies:

  •  M. Sc. and Ph.D.
  • Ph.D teaching and research programmes have been going on in the Department from the academic session 2012-13and the Department has started Master’s teaching and research programmes from the academic session 2014-15.

Field of specialization for M. Sc. and Ph.D.:

  • Sample Survey
  • Forecasting and Statistical Modelling
  • Design of Experiments

Intake capacity:              

  • 05 candidates for (M.Sc) Studies
  • for Ph..D studies as provision

Courses Offered:

  • 3 compulsory and 3 elective courses for UG and 16 courses for Master’s and 14 courses for Doctoral students of Agril.Statistics and also 1 course for the students of M. Sc. and Ph.D programmes of other disciplines under Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Horticulture both.


Teachers are attached with several multidisciplinary research and extension mode projects running in the University and funded by different sponsoring agencies. Under the mandate of those projects teachers are extensively involved in farmer’s training, on farm trial, data collection and statistical analysis and interpretation of the data accrued from the village level farmers’ fields.

  • Teachers are also attached with the RFWE programmes being conducted every year in the University.

Infrastructural Facilities:

    • PG Computer Lab and LAN connectivity in the Department(DST-FIST sponsored)
    • For advanced level statistical data analysis to benefit the teachers and scientists within andoutside the Department of Agril. Statisticsat UBKV, Statistical Softwares like SAS,SPSS havebeen installed in the computers housed in the PG computer laboratory.
    • UG computer Lab
    • PG classroom -cum -Seminar Room
    • UG practical Class room

Faculty and Staffs:

  • Number of Faculty: 3
  • Number of Staff: 3
Research Project: 8

Thrust areas:

  • Applied fields of Econometrics
  • Statistical Modeling
  • Forecasting
  • Sample Surveys
  • Design of Experiments

 Publication :

  • Research Paper - 44
  • Book – 1
Faculty and Staffs :

Faculty :
Sl. No. Name Designation Specialisation Mobile No. E-mail Address
1. Prof. Deb Sankar Gupta Professor Agricultural Statistics +91 9434685759 [email protected], [email protected]
2. Prof. Arunava Ghosh Professor Agricultural Statistics +91 9433318102 [email protected]
3. Prof. Satyananda Basak  Professor Agricultural Statistics +91 9474572393 [email protected]
4. Dr. Manoj Kanti Debnath  Assistant Professor Agricultural Statistics +91 8670937121 [email protected]
5. Dr. Sankalpa Ojha  Assistant Professor Agricultural Statistics +91 966210746,+91 9408802986 [email protected]
6. Dr. Pradip Basak  Assistant Professor Agricultural Statistics +91 8368629618 [email protected], [email protected]
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