Seven days Hands-on-Training program on “Breeding and grow-out of local Koi, Singi&Magur with special emphasis to Black soldier fly propagation as a live feed component” during June 21-27, 2023

UBKV is going to organize a seven days Hands-on-Training program on “Breeding and grow-out of local Koi, Singi & Magur with special emphasis to Black soldier fly propagation as a live feed component” during June 21-27, 2023 with a specific purpose to augment area- wise captive seed and brood production of the above fish in the seasonal and perennial ponds and derelicts of Terai Agro-climatic zone and with a holistic purpose to popularize the traditional potential aquaculture avenue towards self- sustenance and entrepreneurship development on the prospective air-breathing fish sector. The said training will exclusively be a Knowledge and Skill Development Training for the interested beneficiaries. After completion of the training the Skill Development Certificate will be issued from the competent authority to the qualified participants.

Interested Educated Youth, Startups, Future Entrepreneurs and Existing Entrepreneurs are hereby requested to apply for admission to the course through filling and sending the attached Application format to the Email id – [email protected] within 18.06.2023. Minimum educational qualification is Madhyamik/ Secondary Exam pass. The Course fee of the Training will be Rs. 3500/- (Rupees three thousand five hundred only) per participants excluding the cost of accommodation, staying and food and it is to be deposited in cash at the very day of registration on 21.06.2023.

Course Co-ordinator: Prof. Debapriya Sarkar, Professor in Fishery, RRS, TZ, UBKV.
Phone No. for communication – 8910667948

Click here for Details

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